2022.05.18Hit : 2818

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On May 12, 2021, INGINE was announced winner of the Tech4Earth category at the Tech4Good Summit 2021, jointly organized by La FrenchTech Seoul and the French Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI).


Tech4Earth category entries ranged from responsible consumption & production, clean air & water, food health & security, sustainable & accessible energy, biodiversity preservation, smart & sustainable cities, green mobility, and climate change.

Throughout the summit, INGINE had the opportunity to showcase its flagship innovation: the INWaveTM , an onshore-type Wave Energy Converter (WEC), a solution to mitigate GHG emissions by replacing fossil fuels or providing additional energy supply using wave energy. The technology’s ability to collect energy from the entire range of wave movements enables its application in shallow coastal waters. INGINE aims to take over from conventional, polluting sources of energy in remote islands and coastal areas, starting with the replacement of costly diesel generators.

The Tech4Earth award includes exclusive market exploration support and a visibility package from La FrenchTech and the FKCCI. This prize will facilitate INGINE’s plan to expand to France.

INGINE sends its sincere appreciation to the organizers and its heartfelt congratulations to the Tech4Society category winner, Alchera. INGINE’s teams look forward to kickstart collaborative activities with La FrenchTech and the FKCCI.



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