We are leading the commercialization of wave energy and creating innovative energy solutions
based on the know-how we have acquired over the years.
- 2023
- Selected as the winner of 'Energy Catalyst Round 10' operated by 'Innovate UK'
- 2022
- Selected as the winner of 'Energy Catalyst Round 9' operated by 'Innovate UK'
- Signed a battery charging line facility contract with Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama in the U.S
- Created System & Solution divison
- Received "R&D Matching Fund" from Korea Venture Investment Corporation
- 2021
- Signed design contract for wave power project in Yuquot, Canada
- Selected as a Green Climate Fund Support Project by the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI)
- Project in Vietnam selected by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to receive aid
- Received investments from Hana Financial Investment (IPO Arranger)
- Received investments from Korea Development Bank
- 2020
- Established local subsidiary in Vietnam
- UK subsidiary is selected for the MEA (Marine Energy Alliance) Call
- Launched solar power business
- 2019
- Selected as Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Project in Canada
- Entered MOU for the Carbon Free Island Project in An Binh island, Vietnam
- Received investments from The Turning Point
- Participated in the SK Innovation - SV2 Impact Partnering crowdfunding contest
- Received investments from SK Innovation